At the beginning of FY2011
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At the beginning of FY2011


Thank you very much for your very hard work and the best effort until the last moment of FY2010 to fill the gap with the very high budget of the last year.


It was unfortunate, however, that we could not achieve the target or even could not reach the past sales record of FY2009. We have to analyze in depth the real causes of this drop of sales before stepping into the new FY2011, which is very important year to achieve our mid range plan V2012. Please question yourself the followings and let us discuss how to take actions in the coming Business Plan meeting;


1. Did you exercise good Pipeline Management with Contingency Plan?
2. Did you challenge to new Frontier Market (new accounts and new solutions)?
3. Did you promote IT and NW Cross Sales through Account Sales activities?
4. Did you fully collaborate with your Partners sharing customers and pipeline?
5. Did you create enough Synergy by new Organization since last April?


I would like to quote the newly arrived message from our President, Dr. Endo as below.


“FY2011 will be important in that it is the year before the final year of V2012, and our results for this fiscal year will determine the direction of FY2012 - the final fiscal year of V2012. Moreover, under the harsh circumstances we are currently facing in the wake of Japan's recent earthquake and tsunami, including difficulties in acquiring materials, it will be imperative that each and every member of our company clearly understands the situation we are facing and possesses the information needed to make decisions. This will in turn enable us to accelerate business execution. NEC must do our business firmly grounded in the market and make profit, and get itself back on the growth track.
This is something we must accomplish without fail in FY2011.


We must therefore thoroughly analyze the situation and resolutely take on the challenge of entering new areas and markets. Corporate activities are, in essence, value-creation activities. Yet, creation requires going beyond the knowledge you already possess. Let's focus on using our intelligence in addition to our knowledge, to create new added value and provide our customers with Better Products, Better Services.


This month marks the start of FY2011. Let's approach this new fiscal year with a fresh mind, ensure that we maintain a solid grasp of the situation we are in at all times, take immediate action as needed and give it our all.


Finally, I ask all of you to join together with a Strong Will & Flexible M


ind to create an NEC Group that will be loved by its customers and the society.


The message is very clear and I believe NEC Corporation (Thailand) is in good position to revive and make a victory turn towards the goal of V2012.